Tuesday, September 23, 2008

David T. Wenzel || illustrator

David T Wenzel is an illustrator and children's book artist. He is best known
for his visualization of J.R.R. Tolkien?s The Hobbit, illustrated in graphic novel
format. The Hobbit, Graphic Novel is one of the most successful graphic
format adaptations of a piece of classic literature.

Over his career David has worked for most of the major publishers and been
able to work with many talented authors. Always intrigued by mythology,
fantasy and folk tales some of his favorite projects have been the ones that
gave him the freedom to visualize creatures and characters from his
imagination. Some of the books he's illustrated include, Rudolph the Red
Nosed Reindeer, by Robert L. May, A Hat For Ivan, by Max Lucado, The
Wizard's Tale, by Kurt Busiek, Kingdom of the Dwarves, by Robb Walsh, Baby
Loves You So Much, by Eileen Spinelli, and several books in the Little Bear
series which were art directed by Maurice Sendak. David has left his artistic
mark on a variety of non-book related projects including puzzles, greeting
cards, and two entire miniature kingdoms of collectible figurines. Many may
remember him from the days when he worked on The Avengers for Marvels

Website: http://davidwenzel.com

Rolozo Tolkien

Download (236 jpg - 97 Mb)

  大卫·T. 文策尔(David T Wenzel)是一位儿童插画家,最著名的作品是为J. R. R. 托尔金的《哈比人历险记》绘制的连环画。大卫的作品是所有根据托尔金原著绘制的连环画中最成功的一部,受到全世界读者的喜爱,并于最近再版。新版本中收录了32页大卫再创作的内容。
# a3 ?% a/ |1 S8 T, q: P9 @! q  在大卫的职业生涯中,他始终和大出版商保持合作,也结识了一些很有才华的作者。神话、奇幻和民间故事一直是他最喜欢的题材,因为它们给了他自由创作相像的空间,令他描绘现实生活中并不存在的生物。在为罗勃·沃尔什(Robb Walsh)的《矮人王国》(Kingdom of the Dwarves)绘制插图时——该书由马人书局(Centaur Books)出版,大卫根据Aegol Barrow(V注:查不到这个地方,也完全不晓得是什么考古发现= =)的考古发现,勾勒了一个完整的地底文明。柯特·布谢克(Kurt Busiek)的《巫师传说》(The Wizard's Tale)描绘了一片名叫“永夜(Evernight)”的大陆,由一群邪恶的巫师统治,直到他们发现一位巫师心中产生了一丝善的火花。在这本书中,大卫创造了数百个被称为阿基米特(V注:Alchemites,大约是根据“炼金术”alchemy衍生出来的词,猜想或者也可以意译作“金精”)的、小小的神奇生物。在大卫的主页上(http://www.davidwenzel.com/),你可以看到几个阿基米特在页面上玩耍

大卫的其他作品包括:格洛赛特和邓普兰出版社(Grosset and Dunlap)的圣诞畅销书、罗伯特·L. 梅(Robert L. May)的《红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫》(Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer),马科斯·卢卡多(Max Lucado)的《给伊万的帽子》(A Hat For Ivan)以及几本莫里斯·森达克(Maurice Sendak)的“小熊”系列。大卫现在和妻子嘉尼斯居住在康涅狄格州,他的工作室正对着一片草地和一条曲折的小溪。大卫的家庭可以称得上是一个艺术之家——他的儿子布伦达和克里斯托弗都是画家;他的哥哥格雷格身兼作家和插画家两职,作品有《侏罗纪巨龙》(Giant Dinosaurs of the Jurassic);而他的妻子嘉尼斯本人不仅是一位出色的画家,还是当地一所中学的美术老师。

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