Monday, September 22, 2008

Art by Steve Hanks

Watercolor painter
Artist Steve Hanks - American Painter, Another Living Master. Steve Hanks art paintings are Elegant and exquisite, Focusing on people, Hanks watercolors and oils seize the viewer's emotions. With insight and sensitivity, his detailed and complex style propels viewers on a personal journey of past memories, making them a part of the creative process as well. Hanks, mastery of form and color, and his skill at creating near magical plays of light and reflection, are the highways to viewers' hearts and minds. As a child, Steve Hanks loved two things: art and sports. His first grade teacher once wrote to his parents, "Steve is an artist." He says, "I knew I was either going to be involved with sports or art. As time went by, art just overshadowed everything." Steve Hanks studied at the San Francisco Academy of Art for a year and a half. But it took only one semester for him to realize commercial art was not his calling. With his devotion for figure painting, Steve Hanks earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from the College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, California. In an article in Southwest Profile, Hanks explained hi interest in people. "I've always been attracted to people as subjects, simply because they were the hardest thing to do. As I went on, I found the most difficult people to paint were women and children, and that really caught my interest." Passionate and articulate about life and art, Hanks accepts the spirituality that is inherent in artistic expression. He says, "As an artist, you really have to listen to your inner voice telling you what to do." Steve Hanks was named as one of the top 25 selling artists in June, 2002 issue of Decor magazine. He is driven to challenge each medium, pushing the limits of technique and emotion. Some of Steve Hanks Paintings, print or poster are listed on this page. Steve Paintings lasts hot these years.

  美国的Steve Hanks是一位大名鼎鼎的水彩大师,欣赏Steve Hanks的作品,能透过画面看到一双沧桑却不苍老的眼睛,他淡然却坚定有力,没有愤怒没有怨恨没有悲伤没有患得患失,有的只是一份经历过人生大起大落、彻悟人生真谛后自然流露的爱与珍惜。这双眼睛静静地注视着嬉戏的孩子,妩媚的妻子,茂盛的树,行走的车,伸懒腰的猫,空荡的街道,蔚蓝的天空,和煦的阳光……

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